Planning, Peppermint Mochas, and the Elf…

Anyone else feel like the holidays are coming in hot! We just had our last day of school yesterday for winter break and I can’t believe christmas is in a week! So many things need to be done this week…the “To do” lists have lists! (and lets not even talk about moving the dang elf each night…GRRR).

One of the things I always try to focus on this time of year is family. While having 2 weeks off to work on myself and better my travel business, I also need to remember that this is time I am supposed to be spending with my family. I have always been somewhat of a work-a-holic mainly because if I am relaxing I always think of something I could/should be doing instead :-( However, these next 2 weeks, I am going to focus on me and my family. Baking cookies, wrapping gifts, and attending holiday events are memories that I will never get back if I am too busy with other things. While I still have a to do list a mile long, and I fully intend to work on these as well, I have come to realize sometimes we need a little refocusing on priorities in our lives.

Anyone else need a priority check?


New Year, Same Me!


Virgin Voyages