New Year, Same Me!

January is the time of year where the word “resolution” always gets tossed around.  Everyone wants to know what your resolutions are but in my opinion, the word resolution implies there is a problem.  Do you have a ton of problems in your life that need to be resolved or do you just have a few things you would like to improve?  Now I know for some of you, you may see “problems” and that is 100% fine.  However, I am choosing to take a slightly more positive route this year and think of goals and visions rather than resolutions.  


BUT, I want to make improvements.  Every year I start January with a vision board.  I think of the goals I want to accomplish and the action steps it will take to get me there.  Sometimes I meet them, other times I don’t, but it helps me stay focused and do my best.  I also decided this year to focus on a “word of the year.”  I must have missed the memo on this one because this year was the first I’ve heard of it but it was rather easy to choose my word- Intentional.  During 2021 I cannot tell you how many podcasts I listened to, how many trainings I attended, or how many conversations I had that contained this word! It is literally speaking to me.  So, in combining my vision and my word of the year here is what I came up with:

  1. I will be INTENTIONAL about making time for myself/self-care so I can be the best me, not only for myself, but for those who count on me day to day

  2. I will be INTENTIONAL about working to grow my business.  I delegate my working time to each area that needs attention to help grow and support all areas of being a travel advisor- mainly increasing social media presence and advertising my services more by positioning myself as an expert.

  3. I will be INTENTIONAL about protecting my time with my family.  I want my girls (and husband) to know how important they are to me and that they will always come first, and I cannot portray that with a phone attached to my hand/ear. 

  4. I will be INTENTIONAL about not worrying when things are out of my control.  If it's not something I can control, it's going to happen whether I like it or not, so why waste my energy worrying about it in the first place. 

  5. I will be INTENTIONAL about improving my guest experience while planning vacations for others.  Uh oh what’s wrong with the experience now? (you may be asking) Nothing! But as with all things, there is always room for improvement and I love adding little extras to make the experience that much better!

With all of that being said, here is how I plan to do all of this- first things first, I am a huge list person! Comes from being a teacher…I wouldn't survive without organization and to do lists.  I have made a list of my goals for the year and then I broke it down by month.  I have been dividing my to do lists into “must do this week” and “get done if..” and then I am sure to be accomplishing what I need to do each week.  A little OCD, yea maybe…but ya know what??? I’M GONNA DO IT!!! 2022 here I come! 


Watch out for those SNEAKY expenses!!


Planning, Peppermint Mochas, and the Elf…