Honeymoon Planning 101

For the past year you have been planning EVERYTHING from rings to flowers to dance songs at the reception...you are tired of making decisions…just find a beach somewhere and book a flight…right? Often times honeymoons do not get the same attention even though they should!

One the things I love about my job is helping couples plan their first trip as husband and wife. “But I'm sure they’ve been on tons of trips before” you say…which may be 100% true BUT honeymoons are special. They are often the first trip taken as a married couple and the atmosphere surrounding the honeymoon is unique to every couple. Some like adventure in the great wide somewhere (lol ok Belle) and some time to just pop a squat in a lounge chair at the beach and not get up for days (haha well we all know they will be getting up but you know what I mean :-P). Honeymoons should be tailed to fit the couple, not the other way around. So…. Here goes Honeymoon Planning 101.


Start Early

If possible start planning 6-8 months out from your planned travel dates (especially if you are trying totravel to a European location)

SideTip: You do not have to leave right away after the wedding!  Take a few days and catch your breath after the ceremony so you don't start your honeymoon exhausted.


Plan Together

When planning a wedding couples often divide the tasks ( I know we did!) becuase it makes the planning easier and faster when you aren't carrying all of the load. However, when it comes to honeymoons, my advice is the opposite. Work together to ensure that you get what you both desisre out of your vacation. When one person does the planning, it tends to be geared towards their ideal honeymoon and its a time you should be enjoying TOGETHER!


No Copycats!

When the wedding planning gets the best of them, I hear people say, "oh lets just do what so and so did, they had fun."

AHHHHH! You are not "so and so!" You deserve to have a honeymoon tailored to YOU and your fiancé.  They may have had an amazing time at the beach in Jamaica but if you get sunbruned as soon as you step outside, that is NOT gonna be fun for you!


Don’t Rely on Google

We all know that the internet can be deceiving...it is much better ot rely on friends, family, and other people who have been there.  Talk to them, see what they liked and disliked about the location, resort, etc.  Travel advisors are GREAT to have in this case because not only do they stay on top of resort updates and locations, but they most likely have BEEN THERE and they can provide you with first hand experience and suggestions (even some hidden magic) to make your honeymoon the best trip ever!

If you want to save these tips for planning your honeymoon check out my FREEBIE and if you would like to learn more ways that I can help you plan, check out what My Services can do for you :-)


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